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Christian Radio Tuner

Width=220px   Height=110px
This widget allows your website visitors to hear uplifting and encouraging Christian radio stations playing music of various genres such as Bluegrass Gospel, Christian Contemporary, Christian Instrumental, Praise & Worship, and Southern Gospel. Some of the other radio stations are devoted to Christian teaching ministries. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:110px; border:0;"
Christian Radio Tuner (Small)

Width=220px   Height=45px
This widget allows your website visitors to hear uplifting and encouraging Christian radio stations playing music of various genres such as Bluegrass Gospel, Christian Contemporary, Christian Instrumental, Praise & Worship, and Southern Gospel. Some of the other radio stations sre devoted to Christian teaching ministries. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:45px; border:0;"
Early Christian Music Player

Width=305px   Height=85px
This widget allows your website visitors to hear uplifting and encouraging Christian radio stations playing music of various genres such as Bluegrass Gospel, Christian Contemporary, Christian Instrumental, Praise & Worship, and Southern Gospel. Some of the other radio stations sre devoted to Christian teaching ministries. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:305px; height:85px; border:0;"
Early Christian Music Player (Small)

Width=220px   Height=45px
This widget allows your website visitors to hear uplifting and encouraging Christian radio stations playing music of various genres such as Bluegrass Gospel, Christian Contemporary, Christian Instrumental, Praise & Worship, and Southern Gospel. Some of the other radio stations sre devoted to Christian teaching ministries. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:45px; border:0;"
Online Radio Station Tuner (By Genre)

Width=220px   Height=110px
The Online Radio Station Tuner allows a website visitor to listen to radio stations from the USA and the rest of the world. It is organized by music genre for maximum efficiency in finding just the right station to listen to. So, whatever your website visitors' musical tastes may be, they will find it with this widget. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:110px; border:0;"
Oldies Radio

Width=220px   Height=65px
Oldies radio stations from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:65px; border:0;"
NOAA Weather Radio

Width=220px   Height=100px
This handy widget will play the audio from NOAA weather radio stations from all across the USA. This comes in handy for getting the current weather conditions and the latest forecasts for any area that these radio stations cover. Please be aware that not all NOAA weather radio stations are available online. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:220px; height:100px; border:0;"
NOAA Weather Radio (Small)

Width=150px   Height=80px
This widget is a smaller version of the NOAA Weather Radio widget shown above. It will play the same livestreaming audio that the larger version can, only in a more compact size. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:150px; height:80px; border:0;"
Music Player (Full-Size)

Width=150px   Height=65px
The Music Player widget plays music from many different genres. It has a built-in volume control slider for maximum convenience. Its compact size makes it an ideal addition to any website. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:150px; height:65px; border:0;"
Music Player (Mini)

Width=115px   Height=40px
This is a mini-sized version of the Music Player widget shown above. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:115px; height:40px; border:0;"
Music Player (Micro)

Width=115px   Height=20px
This is a micro-sized version of the Music Player widget shown above. <iframe scrolling="no" style="width:115px; height:20px; border:0;"
Individual Radio Station Player

Enter a radio station's streaming URL into the box and click the "Load URL" button. To find a station's URL, go to FMStream.ORG. Here's one to try:
After loading the URL, copy the code on the right to your HTML code.
Individual Radio Station Play Button
(Embedded Javascript)

Enter a radio station's streaming URL into the box and click the "Load URL" button. To find a station's URL, go to FMStream.ORG. Here's one to try:
After loading the URL, copy the code on the right to your HTML code.
Individual Radio Station Play Button
(PHP <iframe>)

Example Usage:


Example Usage With An <iframe>:

<iframe scrolling="no" src="https://123widgets.com/radio-stations/play-button.php?url=https://usa10.fastcast4u.com:3210/1&style=width:15px;height:15px;font-size:10px;"
style="width:17px; height:18px; overflow:hidden; border:0;"> </iframe>

Create Your Own Internet Radio Station